
    CCBR typically has 15-20 ongoing projects and has completed over 450 projects since 1982. Each project is guided by our commitment to impacting social change in practical and powerful ways. We conduct research with people not on people, cultivating respect with communities at every step of the process.

    Projects can be searched for using words from the project title or using the service area, theme, or date range for the project. You can also type 'Service Area' or 'Theme' into the search bar to get a list of options in each of these fields.


    8932_Researching Barriers to Gender-based Violence Services for Canadian Muslims Through Community-driven Knowledge Mobilization

    CCBR in partnership with MACC led a 2.5-year project to explore ways to overcome the barriers for Muslim women (e.g., language, status, Islamophobia, health limitations, disabilities) in Halton region in (a) disclosing gender-based violence and (b) seeking support from formal services and informal networks (e.g., family, friends, and community leaders).

    8934_Community Planning Forum for Newcomer Integration & Belonging

    CCBR supported HIPC in designing and delivering a community forum that invited newcomers and newcomer service providers to be involved in learning about and determining local community priorities. The event facilitated both knowledge sharing and relationship building. The goal was to ground the community’s priority setting and action planning in the experience and vision of the community members most impacted.

    8944_Moving Findings to Action: Capacity Building for The Supporting Peer Work Project

    The Supporting Peer Work project is a community-guided research project that explores the employment experiences of peer workers in “low barrier” social service agencies in Toronto throughout the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The project aims to support agencies to break down structural barriers to equitable employment and learn from the transformative practices of workers with lived expertise.