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- 8934_Community Plan and Evaluation Framework to Become a Welcoming Community for Hamilton Newcomers

- Immigrants and Refugees
- Facilitation/Planning Community Mobiliz
- 2024
The Centre for Community Based Research (CCBR) collaborated with the Hamilton Immigration Partnership Council (HIPC) to develop its 2026-2028 Community Plan, which serves as a strategic pathway for a collective effort to make Hamilton a welcoming community where newcomers can settle and feel a sense of belonging.
This support was provided in three phases:
Community Planning Forum: In the first phase, during March 2024, CCBR helped HIPC design and deliver a community forum that brought together newcomers and newcomer service providers. This event aimed to engage participants in learning about local community priorities and determining key focus areas. The forum encouraged knowledge sharing and relationship building, with the goal of grounding priority setting and action planning in the lived experiences and visions of those most affected. HIPC presented its track record and evaluation findings to a diverse group of community members. Facilitated discussions conducted in three languages (English, French, Spanish) and explored critical issues and necessary actions to improve newcomer integration and belonging in Hamilton. Tools such as a Miro board, open mic, and panel discussions enhanced sharing and analysis. CCBR co-led the forum and consolidated the findings into a report with recommendations to guide Hamilton’s strategic directions and action planning. These recommendations identified priorities for HIPC’s 2026-2028 Community Plan.
Community Plan Development: In the second phase, from August to December 2024, CCBR worked with HIPC to develop the 2026-2028 Community Plan, establishing a clear, actionable, and collective path forward. The plan outlines a three-year roadmap for making Hamilton a welcoming city where newcomers experience positive settlement and a strong sense of belonging. It starts with operating principles that reflect the plan’s core values and outlines three primary strategies and their focus areas, specifying activities to be carried out by HIPC staff and its partners. These strategies aim to achieve specific, measurable outcomes, including both direct outcomes from HIPC activities and indirect outcomes reflecting broader community change influenced by HIPC efforts.
Evaluation Framework Development: In the third phase, from January to March 2025, CCBR assisted HIPC in developing an evaluation framework to assess progress on the community plan and to foster a learning environment for continuous improvement. This framework will help ensure that Hamilton becomes an even more welcoming community for newcomers.