
    CCBR typically has 15-20 ongoing projects and has completed over 500 projects since 1982. Each project is guided by our commitment to impacting social change in practical and powerful ways. We conduct research with people not on people, cultivating respect with communities at every step of the process.

    Projects can be searched for using words from the project title or using the service area, theme, or date range for the project. You can also type 'Service Area' or 'Theme' into the search bar to get a list of options in each of these fields.


    CCBR partnered with Family and Children Services of Waterloo Region (FACS) to conduct a community-led needs and resources assessment. The purpose was to identify needs and enhance support services by engaging an equity-deserving cross-section of community members. The project enlisted over 20 Community Partners for a Steering Committee, and these partner organizations selected Community Researchers from their staff who are members of the communities they serve and fluent in their preferred languages.

    CCBR supported United Way of Greater Toronto to conduct this study to understand the experiences of African asylum seekers arriving in Peel, Toronto, and York regions in connecting and interacting with complex support systems throughout their journeys. The project's intent is to formulate recommendations to inform actions for improving system services for asylum seekers at various levels.

    CCBR engaged with federation members and folks with lived experience in rural and northern communities across Canada to identify gaps in the provision of mental health and substance use health services. The work was guided by a Steering Committee composed or people living and working in rural areas and the north. Findings were intended to support the creation of a rural and remote mental health strategy led by CMHA.

    The Centre for Community Based Research (CCBR) collaborated with the Hamilton Immigration Partnership Council (HIPC) to develop the 2026-2028 Community Plan. Through three phases—community planning, plan development, and evaluation framework creation—the project aimed to make Hamilton a welcoming community where newcomers can settle, belong, and contribute to broader community growth.

    CCBR worked with the Senior Leadership of Food Banks Canada (FBC) to develop a Theory of Change guided by stakeholders across Canada. This Theory of Change sets the stage for FBC to plan and evaluate its activities in collaboration with the network of provincial associations with which Food Banks collaborates, and over 4,750 affiliate food banks.