
    CCBR typically has 15-20 ongoing projects and has completed over 450 projects since 1982. Each project is guided by our commitment to impacting social change in practical and powerful ways. We conduct research with people not on people, cultivating respect with communities at every step of the process.

    Projects can be searched for using words from the project title or using the service area, theme, or date range for the project. You can also type 'Service Area' or 'Theme' into the search bar to get a list of options in each of these fields.


    8947_Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities Capacity Building

    CCBR partnered with the Research & Innovation Committee of the Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities (SCHC) to plan and deliver activities to build organizational capacity for community-based research. These activities, including a workshop series and interactive planning retreat, helped SCHC determine research priorities and procedures for conducting internal community-based research and engaging with external research partners.

    8948_Adapting Participatory Visual Methods to Online and Hybrid Settings with Diverse Communities

    The goal of this 2-year CIHR-funded project is to explore how participatory visual methods, specifically photovoice and digital storytelling have been adapted to online and hybrid platforms to support community-based research and related social change agendas.

    8987_ Understanding Suicide Prevention Services and Supports in the Waterloo Region
    CCBR gathered qualitative data through interviews with key informants including regional mental health service providers and other health services to examine trends in Waterloo region with regards to suicide to learn about the implications the trends have on prevention efforts and strategies.
    8996_ Reducing Social Isolation among Syrian Refugee Parents/Caregivers and Isolated Seniors
    The purpose of this project was to develop and conduct action-oriented, user-driven, participatory research on how to reduce social isolation for parents and caregivers who stay at home with their children and for isolated seniors.
    9014_ Food Banks Canada Evaluation
    This project involved conducting an evaluation to determine what types of investments, resources, and supports contribute to the strongest outcomes within Food Banks Canada’s new multi-faceted capacity-building initiative designed to increase food donations from retailers.
    9015_ Supporting Student Wellness

    The purpose of this project was to explore St Paul’s University College students’ need for wellness supports, what those supports may look like, and the role, if any, of St Paul’s in supporting students’ wellness.

    9022_ Ontario Brain Institute Evaluation Support Program

    CCBR was an Evaluation Specialist for OBI’s Evaluation Support Program created to build a culture of evaluative thinking that strives to produce continual evidence-based improvements among participating community organizations. CCBR’s evaluation activities included the facilitation of three workshops and evaluation planning/support for the Alzheimer Society of Ontario.

    9036_ Focus Groups London

    The purpose of this project was to prepare and conduct a training session with eight Peer Health Educators in focus group methodology and co-facilitate 24 focus groups with newcomers and immigrants within the City of London. This project was funded by London Health Sciences Centre and Southwest Regional Cancer Program.

    9040_ Primary Care and Rehabilitation Integration with Self Management (PRISM)

    CCBR provided research support for two pilot projects to Centre for Family Medicine’s Primary Care and Rehabilitation Integration with Self-Management (PRISM) project. The first was development of an e-consultation system. The second was the development of a self-management approach for people with spinal cord injuries.

    9041_ Evaluation of SW Cancer Programs London
    CCBR was contracted by Healthcare Materials Management Services (HMMS) in London, Ontario, to deliver a complete evaluation of the Mobilizing Newcomers and Immigrants to Cancer Screening Program. This evaluation was funded by London Health Sciences Centre and Southwest Regional Cancer Program.