
    CCBR typically has 15-20 ongoing projects and has completed over 500 projects since 1982. Each project is guided by our commitment to impacting social change in practical and powerful ways. We conduct research with people not on people, cultivating respect with communities at every step of the process.

    Projects can be searched for using words from the project title or using the service area, theme, or date range for the project. You can also type 'Service Area' or 'Theme' into the search bar to get a list of options in each of these fields.

    Partners pursed the goal of mobilizing members of the Christian Reformed Church toward greater engagement with social justice initiatives in their various communities across Canada. This project was funded by the SSHRC Partnership Development Grant.

    In 2013, the Christian Reformed Church (CRC), in partnership with Centre for Philosophy, Religion and Social Ethics (CPRSE) at the Institute for Christian Studies (ICS), and the Centre for Community Based Research (CCBR), conducted the Justice and Faith Pilot Project. The pilot project provided valuable insights about key themes in CRC people’s understanding of justice and faith, enablers and barriers to further engagement in doing justice, and strategies to mobilize CRC people to do justice.

    The current Justice and Faith project builds on the work and insights of the pilot project. This two-year project (July 2013-June 2015) is funded by a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Partnership Development Grant and by grants from the Office of Social Justice, World Renew and Canadian Ministries. This project continues the partnership between the CRC, CPRSE, and CCBR.

    The purpose of this project is to more fully understand the relationship between justice and faith in the CRC and to mobilize CRC people to embrace justice as an integral aspect of Christian faith and life.

    As part of the knowledge and community mobilization efforts, the partnership collaborated with the theatre company MT Space to create a theatre production based on Year 1 research findings. The first full production was held in Toronto in March and an article about the play and CRC members' experiences can be found here.  Church groups across the country will be using the script in order to present the play across Canada. 

    For more information on this project and the knowledge mobilization phase of this project, please visit the ICS webpage.

    Key Informant Report
    Survey Findings