CCBR typically has 15-20 ongoing projects and has completed over 500 projects since 1982. Each project is guided by our commitment to impacting social change in practical and powerful ways. We conduct research with people not on people, cultivating respect with communities at every step of the process.
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- Projects
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- 8958_Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative Evaluation Toolkit
This project was undertaken with the aim of supporting the Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative (GRSI) to improve refugee protection by increasing refugee resettlement through engagement with private citizens, communities, and businesses. The purpose of this project was to develop a Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit to support governments and civil society in building monitoring and evaluation mechanisms into refugee community sponsorship programs at the design stage and as part of ongoing program review and improvement. The Toolkit was intended to be an accessible and versatile resource that can be flexible in its applicability to a wide range of national, regional, or local contexts and of program size and maturity. To achieve the project's objective, the project carried out the following activities:
- Conducting a mapping of community sponsorship program evaluations and framework of consistent sponsorship program objectives;
- preparing a needs assessment to define gaps in monitoring and evaluating Refugee Sponsoring Programs
- preparing a digital Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit that can be shared with state policymakers and civil society organizations developing community sponsorship programs and pilots.