CCBR typically has 15-20 ongoing projects and has completed over 500 projects since 1982. Each project is guided by our commitment to impacting social change in practical and powerful ways. We conduct research with people not on people, cultivating respect with communities at every step of the process.
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- 8952_TRIP! Process Evaluation: Aligning Diverse Community Needs for Youth Harm Reduction
The Trip! Project is a youth-led harm reduction health information service for the dance music scene and youth who use drugs. TRIP! provides workshops, trains peer educators and volunteers, operates outreach booths, and uses technology to engage with partiers. The Trip! Project is located at Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre (PQWCHC), a community-based health service organization located in south-west Toronto. PQWCHC offers a broad range of services, including primary health care, dental care, harm reduction, health promotion, counselling, and community development programming.
The Centre for Community-Based Research partnered with PQWCHC (and associated TRIP! program stakeholders) to co-design and conduct a community-based evaluation in order to explore the extent to which the current TRIP! Program model is aligned with 1) current drug using trends amongst diverse youth in the community; and 2) PQWCHC’s values, vision, and mission of providing “equitable, accessible urban health care for people where, when, and how they need it.” These findings informed a collaborative process of identifying recommendations for future program delivery.
Over 9 months, CCBR conducted a desk review of internal documents and external literature; interviewed project stakeholders (internal and external to TRIP!) and conducted a focus group with youth who use drugs. Then, building on these findings, CCBR co-designed an interactive focus group workshop to identify a delivery model for future programming.
A steering committee composed of project stakeholders, youth who use drugs, and service providers internal and external to PQWCHC provided guidance on all evaluation stages. Project evaluation activities were carried out by CCBR researchers, including community researchers designated to work specifically on this project.
In addition to project activities described above, CCBR will also develop and facilitate staff trainings for the harm reduction team on popular education, workshop design and facilitation for community health contexts.