
    CCBR typically has 15-20 ongoing projects and has completed over 500 projects since 1982. Each project is guided by our commitment to impacting social change in practical and powerful ways. We conduct research with people not on people, cultivating respect with communities at every step of the process.

    Projects can be searched for using words from the project title or using the service area, theme, or date range for the project. You can also type 'Service Area' or 'Theme' into the search bar to get a list of options in each of these fields.

    The Centre for Community Based Research (CCBR) worked closely with the “CHAMPP4KIDS: Co-Designing Parenting Resources with Caregivers and Providers” Study Team hosted at McMaster University to plan and facilitate a co-design workshop for parents of young children from equity-deserving communities.

    This multi-phase project aimed to create and implement relevant and accessible evidence-based parenting resources for diverse groups of caregivers. This involved co-developing and iteratively refining materials for caregivers using equity-based, co-design approach and community-based participatory methods. The larger goal of the project was to rigorously develop, implement, and evaluate adapted models of services that promote healthy family relationships. 

    CCBR played an active role in phase one of the project by designing and facilitating a co-design event with parents. In addition to playing a leadership role in co-design, CCBR also played a leadership role in focus group analysis, as interconnected with the co-design event. CCBR also provided consultation and guidance on focus group guide development, advisory committee board design, and general coaching on community-based research.  

    The project was funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada and led by led by Dr. Andrea Gonzalez and Meghan Kenny at McMaster University, in collaboration with community partners in Hamilton.